In this article, you will be completing the second step. 🏁 Before following this guide, make sure you've added your cookie banner to your website.
Block all non-strictly necessary cookies
To follow Cookie Guidelines, all tools and third parties that place cookies on your website that are not strictly necessary must be blocked until a user gives their consent.
Examples of non-strictly necessary cookies are those placed by: Google Analytics, Hotjar, Hubspot, Facebook Pixel…
ℹ️ Strictly Necessary Cookies are the bare minimum cookies necessary for the website to function with its most basic functionalities.
Examples of non-strictly necessary cookies are those placed by: Google Analytics, Hotjar, Hubspot, Facebook, Pixel… Read more here.
Choose how to block cookies depending on how they are implemented
To block cookies, you will need to follow different instructions depending on how they are added to your website. If they are added via:
2.4 (not common) Via an Integration in your web hosting platform - go to the help center of the hosting platform to find out how to do it. Here's an example of How to block Facebook Pixel with Webflow Integration.
Step 3. Checking cookies are being correctly blocked
If you're wondering if you've configured your cookie banner correctly so that cookies are blocked, this guide explains how to check it.